Event Timeslots (7)
Room HS I
[Research Track] Towards Automated Merging of Forked Test Cases by Sandro Schulze, Jacob Krüger and Johannes Wünsche
Room HS I
[Research Track] WipeOutR: Automated Redundancy Detection For Feature Models (short paper) by Viet-Man Le, Alexander Felfernig, Mathias Uta, Thi Ngoc Trang Tran and Cristian Vidal
Room HS I
[Industry Track]Variability of Safety Risks in Production Environments by Deepak Dhungana, Alois Haselboeck, Ruben Ruiz-Torrubiano and Wallner Stefan
Room HS I
[Industry Track] Evolvable SPL management with partial knowledge: an application to anomaly detection in time series by Yassine El Amraoui, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Philippe Collet, Frederic Precioso and Julien Muller
Room HS I
[Journal First Track] Incremental Software Product Line Verification – A Performance Analysis with Dead Variable Code by Christian Kröher, Moritz Flöter, Lea Gerling and Klaus Schmid
Room HS I
[Demonstration Track] Test2Feature: Feature-based Test Traceability Tool for Highly Configurable Software by Willian Douglas Ferrari Mendonça, Silvia Vergilio, Gabriela Karoline Michelon, Alexander Egyed and Wesley K. G. Assunção
Room HS I
[Demonstration Track] A Tool for Analysing Higher-Order Feature Interactions in Preprocessor Annotations in C and C++ Projects by David Korsman, Carlos Diego Damasceno and Daniel Strüber